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Predefined Events and their Sounds

Event Event Description Default File
Idle Device is in idle state None
System Up Device is booting SystemUp.mp3
Place Finger Finger is placed on the Device PlaceFinger.wav
Remove Credential Finger is removed from the Device RemoveCredential.wav
Success Access is granted AccessGranted.mp3
Fail Access is denied AccessDenied.mp3
Process Processing state (Firmware upgrade) Process.mp3
Error Error State (Sensor error) Error.mp3
Fire Alarm Fire alarm (will receive 1st priority) FireAlarm.mp3
Temper Alarm Anti-shock received event (2nd priority) AntishockAlarm.mp3
Door Force Open Door opened forcefully (will receive (3rd priority) DoorOpenTooLong.mp3
Door Long Open Door is open for a long time (will receive 4th priority) DoorOpenTooLong.mp3
Door Access Schedule Door open schedule activated (5th priority) DoorOpenSchedule.mp3
Clear Alarm Clear any alarm ClearAlarm.mp3
Show Card Card is shown on the Device ShowCard.mp3
Proximity Detection Proximity detection ProximityDetect.mp3
Wait Wait state (multi user mode ) Wait.mp3
User Record Not Found User record is not present in Device database UserRecordNotFound.mp3
VOIP Outgoing Call Voip Outgoing call VoipOutgoingCall.mp3
VOIP Incoming Call VOIP Incoming call VoipIncommingCall.wav
VOIP Call Waiting Voip Call Waiting VoipWaitCall.ogg
Battery Alert Battery Alert BetteryAlert.mp3
Show Face Face is shown on the Device RemoveCredential.wav
High Temperature High temperature of employee is detected AccessDenied.mp3
Mask Not Detected Mask is not detected on employee's face AccessDenied.mp3